Kenyan Australian Alumni Association

We are a association affiliated with the Australia. The members are alumni of various australian university through scholarship or privately funded. Our main aim is to intergrate the alumni that have graduated in Australia and help make good networks.


MEMBERSHIP is open to all Australia Awards Scholarships alumni who wish to join the network, as well as those whose study in Australia was either privately funded or funded through a home government and other scholarships, and those who have studied in an accredited Australian educational institution and who support the objectives of the Association

Our Mission

To enhance and champion comprehensive expertise and knowledge sharing through our innovative capacity building, collaboration and networking

Our Vision

A world class Australian Alumni Association that contributes to sustainable development of the Kenyan Society

Core Values

  • We maintain and propagate excellence, high level of knowledge, respective skills and standards as we provide respective services to our communities.
  • We show impartiality, transparency, accountability and honesty whilst upholding the highest ethical standards in any service provision
  • We contribute exhaustively to the activities of the team with ease to address shared concerns through common effort.

Our Objectives


  • To benefit individually and collectively from the education and experience former students from Kenya have gained in Australian Universities and/or the Australian host organization.
  • To assist the members to achieve their full potential through professional training, (capacity building and enhancing their leadership skills).
  • To foster friendly relations between the citizens of the two countries. Kenya and Australia, and provide opportunities for the Australian Government and other Australian organisations to maintain links with alumni.
  • To assist potential students with information about the Australia Awards Scholarships, University placements and life in Australia.

Our Past Events

  • At the heart of Laikipia North, a group of women sit inside a secluded spot donated by Lewaso Lodge. The women, who are sewing face masks more...

    A team comprising of ladies from Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Kenya graduated after attending an Executive Women in Leadership course.

    AGM 2019 held at all saints cathedral

    Former chair and current ambassador Charles Ngunjiri and Philip Langat representing us in Pretoria in feb 2019

    WILN training attended by KAAA members held in Sourthern sun hotels

    High Commissioner Alison Chartres hosted the representatives from the Australian Universities for a reception at Australia House at the end of their trip to Kenya.

  • Meeting at railways golf club mapping out the years strategy 2019

    Alumni donated medical supplies and household items to the National Spinal Injury Hospital

    It was humbling to spend the morning with the children of Angel Centre that is run by one of our alumni

    Our social dinner... We are enjoying ourselves, getting to know one another and networking!

    Sydney University alumni with their Student contact officer visiting them in Kenya at Sankara hotel

    At Fairview during Austrade Luncheon. The CEO, Dr Stephanie Fahey and Regional Director Mr Ian Holiday were in Kenya.